A Path to Parenting Success | Parenting Support

Photo by evgenyatamanenko/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by evgenyatamanenko/iStock / Getty Images

Parenting consultation is a powerful tool to help parents rebuild connections with their kids. Parents feel like they are leaving with concrete strategies and a plan for how to shift their parenting interactions.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Instead, I work hard to create a nonjudgmental space to understand how each family works and to create a parenting approach that fits best. In some cases, fine-tuning parenting approaches can be the most effective way to reduce troublesome behavior at home.

WHat can I help with?

  • Managing tantrums

  • Limit setting

  • Sleep and bedtime

  • Getting to school and morning routines

  • Anxiety about homework and academics

  • Sibling conflicts

  • Strategies for raising a child who has disabilities

  • Low motivation

  • Video game/screen-time overuse

  • Disrespectful communication

  • Struggles at school

how do I approach working with parents?

I take a collaborative and non-judgmental approach to parenting consultation. Starting with a discussion about the current problem, we explore how it developed and come up with strategies to start changing even deeply engrained family conflicts and patterns. I aim to have parents leave each meeting with a strategy in mind and skills or approaches to try.